Monday, September 30, 2019

Introduction and Purpose Statement Essay

Introduction and Purpose Statement Defined In this week’s assigment, I am turning my attention to article B, to evaluate the introduction and purpose statement. The authors reporting on a qualitative study use the introduction to provide the audience with a narrative to introduce the topic, to identify that the topic is well-established, beginning with the general problem, then focusing on a specific problem and its consequences (Creswell, 2009; Harley, Buckworth, Katz, Willis, Odoms-Young & Heaney, 2007; Laureate Education, Inc., 2009). The authors additionally use the introduction to justify the importance of the problem associated with the topic, identify discrepancies in literature, and conclude with the purpose of the study. The introduction is an important aspect of a journal article, because it not only provides background information, and allows the authors to describe the problem by exploring a specific phenomenon or concept, but it also provides how the study will provide remedies or solutions, and adds to the existing knowledge base (Creswell, 2009; Laureate Education, Inc., 2009; Harley et al., 2007). The introduction concludes with the purpose statement, which establishes the direction of the research, orients readers to the main intent of the study, and what the researchers hope to accomplish (Creswell, 2009). Qualitative research uses the purpose statement to focus on and advance a single phenomenon by exploring relationships or by drawing comparisons among ideas using neutral language. In addition, it demonstrates inquiry strategies for data collection, analysis, and research processes, identifies the participants, and the site at which the research takes place (Creswell, 2009). In the following paragraphs, the introduction and purpose statement elements of the McGrath & Pistrang (2007) article are examined and evaluated, along with some of the nine purposes for research from as described by Newman, Ridenour, Newman & DeMarco (2003). Evaluation of the Introduction of Article B (McGrath & Pistrang (2007) McGrath & Pistrang (2007) begin to introduce the topic of interest in their abstract, by mentioning what the study examined, defining who the participants were, the location where the study took place, data collection methodology, three dimensions of qualitative data collection and analysis, and the issue involved in the topic. As described by Creswell (2009), Dr. Patton (Laureate Education, Inc., 2009), and Harley et al. (2007), the authors begin to justify the study in the first paragraph of the introduction by citing that the topic is a well-established concern, and mention a specific cultural and sub-cultural population, by mentioning that the study took place in the U. K, and involves youth and staff at homeless hostels. McGrath & Pistrang (2007) explore the past extent of the problem, along with how it has changed in recent times, giving statistics outlining the extent of the problem. The authors then identify past research that has identified youths at homeless hostels as being at greater risk for social, emotional, and physical problems to a much greater extent than other people in the same age group. The authors narrow the problem by asserting that homeless youth living in hostels lack of supportive social networks to help improve their experiences, and address the difficulties associated with defining whether their problems are causes or consequences of being homeless youths. McGrath & Pistrang (2007) maintain that previous authors recommended that hostels hire older staff to establish or offer youth surrogate parent relationships, and address a specific discrepancy as failure to expand on how the relationship would work, offering no theoretical model for programs to follow for working with homeless youth. Furthermore, they examine specific staff helper elements of warmth, empathy, and acceptance as important issues to address, which contribute to the quality of the relationship between hostel workers and homeless youth. The authors define the relationship between homeless youth and hostel workers as the broad investigation and aim of the study, the areas and aspects of the hostels, the range of time youth spend at hostels, and the types of support youth and staff required so that the programs are beneficial. They indicate that staff members often have little training or education regarding their role, or how to effectively work with, and support the needs of homeless youth. Their introduction concludes by describing the purpose statement and research methodology, described next. Research Purposes as Described by Newman et al. (2003) Newman et al. (2003) describe nine elements, which may be included in the purpose statement. Adding to the existing knowledge base, the impact on a personal, social, and organizational level, understanding complex phenomena, generating new ideas, informing constituencies, and examining the past all seem to be relatively important features in the McGrath & Pistrang (2007) article. The authors are attempting to add to the existing knowledge base by describing the aim of the study as examining the experiences and elements involved in the relationship between residents and hostel workers, based upon the perceptions of the residents. They provide the direction of the study, by indicating why it was qualitative, which justifies the research. McGrath & Pistrang (2007) mention using a phenomenological approach, which is used to enlighten the audience to the specific issue of the nature of the relationship between homeless youth and hostel workers. They identify the phenomena as having three helping or supportive elements of warmth, empathy, and acceptance on behalf of the staff, based upon the perceptions of the residents. Therefore, they are including the impact of these elements on the residents on a personal, social, and organizational level to explain the complexities involved in the phenomena, and to inform constituencies (Newman et al., 2003). McGrath & Pistrang (2007) examine the past in order to interpret and reinterpret findings, examine discrepancies and consistencies, and examine social and historical origins of the current social issue. The authors accomplish this by mentioning that there has been little research focusing on the psychological issues related to the experiences of homeless individuals, and the need to study the issue in a social context. Their phenomenological method of inquiry justifies the aim of the study, which was to obtain accounts of the experiences of the homeless youth, and the emotional, empathetic, and acceptance levels of staff to improve upon services, as to make programs more beneficial. The three dimensions of emotional, empathetic, and acceptance levels of hostel staff generate new ideas, helped the researchers form the hypothesis and theory, and to describe and define relationships, along with culture and sub-culture. For example, the authors define the relationship between residents and hostel workers on the three dimensions, and they describe the U. K. as a specific general culture, and the sub-cultures as the homeless youth and hostel workers as the participants of the study. The two sub-cultures exist within  the larger cultural population, as homeless youth living in two different types of hostels, and the work sub-culture described as the uneducated or undertrained staff members at the two types of hostels (McGrath & Pistrang, 2007). The general culture, along with the two sub-cultures are used in order to describe why the specific methodology of interviewing residents was utilized, further justifying why they conducted the research, the studies aim, and strategies for improving conditions. In conclusion, there is a great deal more to say about the McGrath & Pistrang (2007) article, but overall, I found many of the key elements included in the introduction, described by Dr. Patton (Laureate Education, Inc., 2009), Creswell (2009), and Harley et al. (2009). I was also able to identify several of the nine features of the purpose statement, as proposed by Newman et al. (2003), found in the way that McGrath & Pistrang (2007) addressed the purpose of the study. Examining and evaluating the writing of these authors gave me an opportunity to gain a much greater understanding of the key elements and concepts regarding the nature and importance of the introduction and purpose statements. References Creswell, J. (2009). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches (3rd ed). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. Harley, A. E., Buckworth, J., Katz, M. L., Willis, S. K., Odoms-Young, & Heaney, C. A. (2007). Developing long-term physical activity participation: A grounded theory study with African American women. Health Education & Behavior, doi:10.1177/1090198107306434 Laureate Education, Inc. (Executive Producer). (2009). Purposes of Research. Baltimore: Author. McGrath, L., & Pistrang, N. (2007). Policeman or friend? Dilemmas in working with homeless young people in the United Kingdom. Journal of Social Issues, 63(3), 589-606. doi 10.1111/j.1540-4560.2007.00525.x Newman, I., Ridenour, C. S., Newman, C., & DeMarco, G. M. P. (2003). A typology of research purposes and its relationship to mixed methods. In A. Tashakkori & C. Teddlie (Eds.), Handbook of mixed methods in social and behavioral research (pp. 167-188). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Final Exam Critical Thinking Essay

Our newest product Wet Wonders lip gloss, has not been performing very well. Creative Cosmetics needs to come up with different ways to market our lip gloss in order to boost sales. The projected sales for Wet Wonders lip gloss have slumped and we are in danger of having to scrap this product and its promotional campaign. During product development, our initial testing proved that Wet Wonders can be successful based off the positive feedback we received. In order to boost sales, Creative Cosmetics needs to analyze the role of advertising in society, why it’s so important and how to effectively use it. Without advertising consumers would not be told what to buy. Advertising is the reason our homes are filled with so many items, why we drive the cars we do and why we wear the clothes we wear. There have been many studies on the increase of advertisements over the years. â€Å"In 1915, a person could go entire weeks without observing an ad. The average adult today sees some three thousand every day† (Twitchell 203). Advertising also fuels the need to shop which in turn stimulates the economy. Economist can track consumer spending every quarter allowing them to gauge how well the economy is doing. Due to budget constraints, Creative Cosmetics chose to only sell Wet Wonders through ads on the radio. Using only radio ads to market our product, has not proven to be very effective. While radio allows you to tell a story and take the listener’s mind on a journey, it is not the most effective means of marketing a lip gloss. The radio paints a broad stroke, meaning it is heard by many different people. There are specific times when we could have our ads running that could pinpoint a certain group of people, although it’s not necessarily guaranteed. Another downside to radio ads is they don’t have the ability to allow the consumer to see what they are missing. It’s not enough to say we have a wonderful product. We want to make the consumer feel that their lives would be so much better with our lip gloss and if they don’t buy it then they are missing out on something great. In other words, we have to convince them that they need our lip gloss in order to make their lives as exciting as the woman wearing it. Television could do that most effectively. Television commercials would give us the visual component we need. Our ads could really drive home the message that Wet Wonders lip gloss can change your whole look in instant. We want women to feel as though they can go from drab to fab with just one swipe of our lip gloss. Television would give us the ability to make women as though they would feel, sexy, confident and desirable when they wear our lip gloss. We could run our commercials during peak times that women are watching television such as the morning and afternoons. While there are a lot of women working outside the home, there are still a good number of women that stay at home to raise families. An ideal time to run our commercials would be during talk and game shows as well as soap operas. Another idea would be to use a famous person or celebrity in our advertising. People like to feel as though they trust the person they are buying something from and even though they may not personally know the celebrity they trust them. Since we know our product would be best suited being marketed on a visual platform, we should also consider magazine ads. Magazines would be a perfect way to market our Wet Wonders lip gloss. With magazine ads we could saturate the market with our product and message. There are teen magazines, young adult beauty magazines, and magazines for the more mature woman. Every one of these genres have women that are sexy, confident, and desirable. This is exactly the woman we want to market to. Magazines have the ability to make consumers visualize themselves as that sexy, vibrant woman that wears Wet Wonders lip gloss just by looking at a picture.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Information Technology Architectures Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Information Technology Architectures - Essay Example The client is a workstation computer which runs front-end applications. It communicates with the user through the keyboard, mouse and the display. The client also recalls to the client process that operates on the client machine. The client performs its processes from the server displaying information managed by the server. Therefore, the client does not posses responsibilities to direct data accessibility; thus the client workstation can be optimized for its duties. For example, it requires minimal disk capacity. The client is indispensable to allow implementation of several client servers, ranging from personal computers to mainframes and several client interfaces to store and retrieve information. Oracle 7 implements the ANSI/ISO and SQL interfaces and standards fully support the client environment (Belapurkar, 2009). The server is a tool that Oracle7 software runs on and handles the essential functions for concurrent access of shared data. Referred to as back-end server, a statement derived from the processes that the server machine does (Belapurkar, 2009). The server process SQL and PL/SQL statements received from the client applications. The server can be optimized for its functions. For example, it can have fast processors and a large disk capacity. It can also take the input/output disk operations such as, file transfer and printing of documents. The network facilitates remote data access through a server to the server and client server communication. Oracle’s network facilities allow applications and databases to reside on different computers with different operating systems at the same time communicating as peer applications (Belapurkar, 2009). Distributed systems architecture enhances hardware and software resource sharing as shown from a loosely coupled distributed system which is a single-user workstation enabling accessibility, of shared resources and data in other server computers (Belapurkar,

Friday, September 27, 2019

Feminism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Feminism - Essay Example That function gives women such wisdom and power as no male ever can possess. When women can support themselves, have their entry to all the trades and professions, with a house of their own over their heads and a bank account, they will own their bodies and be dictators in the social realm. Elizabeth Cady Stanton, 1890 (Banner, 1980) The activists for women's rights in the nineteenth century may have read Godey's Lady's Book and the same domestic novels as their neighbors, but they believed that women's moral superiority justified their working for women's equality inside and outside the home. Why did they challenge the prevailing restrictions on women How did their own experiences in the family lead them to a feminist consciousness How did their domestic experiences shape their feminist thought and action Family issues--women's property rights, child custody, marriage, reproductive control, and divorce--were central to the early women's rights advocates' understanding of women's oppression. The Declaration of Sentiments passed in 1848 at Seneca Falls, New York, as well as the resolutions passed at other women's rights conventions, reflected the centrality of these concerns. Elizabeth Cady Stanton, along with many Quakers and Spiritualists, were the strongest advocates for marriage reform, both before and after the Civil War, when the women's rights movement as a whole narrowed its platform to concentrate on the vote. This emphasis on family issues stemmed from the supporters' own domestic experiences--empowering as well as restrictive--and from their outrage over the victimization of other women by abusive husbands. Aware of the precariousness of women's covert domestic power, many early activists for women's rights forged a feminist agenda designed to benefit women and their familie s. Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Susan B. Anthony, Lucy Stone, Antoinette Brown Blackwell, and other notable feminists who were dismayed by the slow progress of achieving public power sought to apply feminist principles in their own lives. They pursued two major alternative strategies: combining marriage, motherhood, and careers; or choosing single celibate lives dedicated to reform (Banner, 1980). Many early advocates for women's rights came to a feminist consciousness as they perceived the disparities between their own experiences as wives and mothers and the cultural ideals of true womanhood. Some of them came to an awareness of their subordination when they were discriminated against in the abolitionist and temperance movements. In these movements they gained valuable political organizing experience through public speaking, lobbying, and petition campaigns. For others their feminist consciousness stemmed from their experiences as Quakers and Spiritualists. Women spoke in Quaker meetings, became ministers, held separate business meetings, and had equal educational opportunities. Feminists against the Traditional Family Certain topics were almost universally taboo in nineteenth-century America. Even husbands and their wives avoided discussing sex, homosexuality, prostitution, insanity, illegitimate children, birth control, and suicide. In a time when nudity was considered indecent, Hiram Powers's statue of a nude female titled Greek Slave caused uproar. Some museums had a "ladies hour" when women could view the statue

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Small and Medium Enterprises in Globalization Era Essay

Small and Medium Enterprises in Globalization Era - Essay Example The researcher states that there is no globally accepted definition of globalization, but for the purpose of this research, the term refers to the process of consolidating the world into one large market. The process avails many goods and services to people across the world with the removal of trade barriers among the trading nations. The process of globalization happens through three channels; flow of capital, the flow of finance and the trade in goods and services. There is also a thought that the same process would mean integrating the economy of one country with the rest of the world. As much as integrating the economy of one country with the rest of the world could mean good for the nation’s economy, the same process would mean a great deal of unfair competition to some businesses. For a better understanding of such an argument, there is a need to consider a scenario where a starting firm from a developing country competing in a giant multinational. There should be an und erstanding of the contribution of small-scale businesses to the economies of such countries. For most of such nations, the industry forms a critical part of the performance of such economies, which calls for a comprehensive policing strategy that will ensure their sustainability. Therefore, the current study analyses the impacts of globalization on the performance of small and medium-scale firms in the sea of the world’s economic powers. The main theme of this work is to weigh the performance of small businesses before and after the invention of globalization and determine the effects of the processes. Globalization signifies the process of liberalization and internationalization that transforms the world into a small village because of the effects realized. There has been a rise in the levels of competition in every field with all nations across the globe engaging in global wars to make their economies sustainable enough for the populations.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

The Community Nursing Practice Model Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

The Community Nursing Practice Model - Assignment Example This theory takes a wholesome approach to nursing. It aims at ensuring that the health needs of the community members are fulfilled in the best way. It emphasizes access to primary care, and ensures that the values of primary health care get to be met satisfactorily. This model can be utilized in actual practice to promote the health of diverse community members. The values used in the model help in providing care that can lead to a decrease in many health concerns. These could include an increase in the community mortality rates, following greater access to health care, and treating the community members in a caring manner. More to these, the model helps in promoting the well-being of the community, through provision of quality advice. This includes advice on better eating habits that lead to a reduction in the cases of malnutrition (Barry & Lynn, 2011, p. 22). A brief nursing situation and possible significance of the theory or an aspect of the theory in the situation This model allows care to be granted in various institutions, such as schools. Therefore, schoolchildren get to access prompt health care while still in school. This serves a number of advantages to those connected to the child. First, the child receives immediate treatment, thus reducing the seriousness of the presupposed illness. This saves the student enough school time, hence ensuring that the student does not miss their studies for a long duration of time.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Plot and Character Analysis of The Story of An Hour by Kate Chopin Essay

Plot and Character Analysis of The Story of An Hour by Kate Chopin - Essay Example special attention given to just how the story is to be told, authors can open the story to a variety of interpretations illustrating the complexities of life during a particular period in history. A close examination of Kate Chopin’s short story â€Å"The Story of an Hour† illustrates how the written word can be a powerful representation of the weight of social constraints on women during this period in time. In this very short story, Chopin shows how her main character, Louise Mallard, was effectively dehumanized by the expectations of role fulfillment imposed upon her by her husband and her society. The story begins by illustrating the perceived condition of Louise’s health as she reportedly has a weak heart. â€Å"It was her sister Josephine who told her, in broken sentences; veiled hints that revealed in half concealing† (Chopin). What her sister Josephine told her was that Louise’s husband was killed in a recent railroad accident, information that had been confirmed by a close family friend. Louise’s reaction to the news is remarked as somewhat surprising, but takes on greater significance later in the story. â€Å"She wept at once, with sudden, wild abandonment, in her sister’s arms† (Chopin). From this point, there isn’t a great deal of physical action to the story. Louise retires to her room alone and sits in a chair looking out the window. As she reflects upon the news she has just received, Louise begins to see the remainder of her life in ways that might have been highly unexpected at the time. Instead of feeling that he r life was over because her husband is dead, Louise begins to see her life as just beginning. She will finally have a chance to make some of her own decisions. Although her life has been turned upside down, Chopin demonstrates through Louise’s thoughts that her world had already been upside down under the external conditions she’d been forced to accept and only now, with the death of her husband, was it righting

Monday, September 23, 2019

Strategic Report of Harrods & Liberty Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Strategic Report of Harrods & Liberty - Essay Example have different business objectives thus their practices about the external environment is greatly variable, all aimed at ensuring they stay in line with the demands of the targets and principles for which the store stands. For instance, Harrods demonstrates a higher level of aggressiveness with the incorporation of modern technological innovations, whereas Liberty is apparently more interested in conservation of its reputation and image, as opposed to multi-engagements in macro-economic influencing factors. On the other hand, Harrods appears to have its focus on a wider range of audience as evident through its marketing techniques, which are largely technology-based. This undoubtedly enables the store to pass a busy and energetic feel of communication about itself. On its part, Liberty tends to position its practices on specific and strictly premium high-end market, giving the store a more relaxed ambience. The external and internal analysis of the two stores based on their strategies of retailing suggests that the two organizations have not yet been able to fully exploit the business opportunities at their exposure. Of significant importance is the need for the two stores to adopt diversity in the products and services provided, and the manner in which this is done, in order to widen their customer base as well as helping them overcome some of the external and internal environmental barriers to business. Over the past decades, there has been a significant transformation in the retail industry, which has equally posed more challenging moments for the retailers. Despite this, the global landscape of retailing, which is on constant change, has experienced massive improvement, even in the time of high competition from within the UK markets and that on the global scene (Thirumalai and Sinha, 2009). Evidence suggests that the move by the retailers to harness the multi-channel practices and the growing advances in technology have been key in increasing the stability

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Presentational Aids Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Presentational Aids - Essay Example I have decided to develop flip charts and PowerPoint slides as preferred presentational aids because I am more confident and comfortable with the efficient preparation and utilization of these two aids in my training module. Additionally, these aids are clear, simple and capable of illuminating and illustrating my words effectively. As most of the audience will be familiar with flip charts and PowerPoint slides, the distraction factor is less likely to interfere. They can also prove useful when the attention span of audience is limited. Switching between these two aids in lengthy sessions would probably help to keep the audience interested and engaged. Flip charts can help presenter to proceed through material and convey information efficiently. The most notable advantage of flip charts is that they can be prepared or modified before as well as during the session. Also, it can be easily used to note questions, comments and can also be converted to slides later. However, they are difficult to transport, not suitable in a large audience setting and also require some graphics talent. PowerPoint slides presentation is one of the most adopted visual aids nowadays. They can be prepared easily, quickly and are capable to project complex illustrations and animations more professionally. It is also suitable to large audience setting. Presenter is able to print slides for memorizing the key points. However, the risk of confusion and technical malfunction is much greater for PowerPoint presentations. Developing new slides during the session is sometimes quite difficult and time

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Debate on Creationism Essay Example for Free

Debate on Creationism Essay INTRODUCTION The dispute between representatives of the various fields of science and religious representatives is one that will last for many decades (if not centuries) to come, as each one of the two camps confirms that its view of the universe, the beginning of life, and the meaning of human being is the correct one and the one that should be, therefore, passed on to the next generations. This debate, that in some cases reached the level of confrontation, started many centuries ago when the Church rejected many of the scientific views that were presented by scientists. And this resulted, in certain events, in severe punishments that were carried out against those scientists. The specific case of the Bill 481 that was introduced to the 2001-2002 session of Ohios General Assembly claiming to improve the efficiency of science education in schools, was specifically done in order to allow the principles and the ideas of what is called ‘Intelligent Design’ in the science classes of public schools. Intelligent Design is not that different from Creationism; they both claim that the universe came to being as a result of a supreme being (God) that created it and created and everything else including humans with their present shape and form a few thousand years ago and that, therefore, evolution did not take place. There are small variations between ID and Creationism; for example, ID proponents do not call the supreme being with the title used by the various religious texts, they call Him ‘Intelligent Designer’; they do not confirm that notion that the entire universe was created several thousands years ago, and they do not claim, for instance, that humans walked the earth along with the Dinosaurs. WHAT IS SCIENCE? In order to be able to understand if Creationism or Intelligent Design can be admitted into science classes, we need to understand if they qualify to be considered science. Science, or what is also called as the scientific method, is the human technique of understanding the various natural phenomenon and the laws that govern each factor within these phenomenon in a way that is testable, repeatable, and approvable through practical tools that are agreed upon by all. From the above mentioned definition, it is evident that beliefs, personal opinions and supernatural forces are not permissible in the realm of science. Creationism and Intelligent Design rely solely on belief systems that were produced by religious thought and they take certain foundations of understanding the universe as fact when they cannot be put to test, and they cannot provide any agreed upon natural evidence to support their claims. We cannot find any element in any one of them that can be proven through testing or through repeatability. As we can understand, Intelligent Design and Creationism are not science; they are simply belief systems originating from religious thought: In the 1970s and 1980s, that [creationist] movement recast the Bible version in the language of scientific inquiry as creation science and won legislative victories requiring â€Å"equal time† in some states. That is, until 1987, when the Supreme Court struck down Louisianas law. Because creation science relies on biblical texts, the court reasoned, it lacked a clear secular purpose and violated the First Amendment clause prohibiting the establishment of religion (Ratliff). CONCLUSION The ideas of Creationism and Intelligent Design should be, if they must be, admitted in the classrooms, but not as sciences, instead, they should be taught and presented as anything else because they do not have the elements that shape science and make it what it really is. The idea that best explains the reality of Intelligent Design is what Mr. Newt Gingrich said: â€Å"Evolution certainly seems to express the closest understanding [of how we came to be] we now have†¦ Evolution should be taught as science, and intelligent design should be taught as philosophy† (Wilkinson 50-51). Works Cited Ratliff, Evan. The Crusade Against Evolution. Wired October 2004. 03 October 2006 http://www. wired. com/wired/archive/12. 10/evolution. html. Wilkinson, Francis. The Discover Interview: Newt Gingrich. Discover October 2006: 50-51.

Friday, September 20, 2019

The operational issues affected by organisations

The operational issues affected by organisations The following essay looks at discussing the operational issues affecting the organization and identifying the strategic implications Terror Tubes. After read this case study, Terror Tubes is the Australian motor racing industry, they designs and manufactures custom-made high performance automotive exhaust system for Australia motor industry. The business was established by two time motor racing driver Sam Peters in 1974. The first place of business operated in Homebush; in 2000 they relocated to Blocktown. The company manufactures both custom performance and standard system, each being specifically tailored to engine in question. After the company become more famous and sales increased, therefore, company start focus on customer. Terror Tubes start making more popular items private to normal motorists wants to improve their performance. Terror Tubes quickly become Australian car industry distributor. Many problems still occur in Terror Tubes. The finance situation not as good as we s ee, furthermore, Terror tubes made contract with super car have initial stocking and companys reputation grew and sales increased, Terror Tubes got both side supplier and racing industry respected. Thus, few months later the sales of supper car continue increased. The customer systems were always very sensitive on problems on higher sales. However, Sam and Phil look over all the process of terror tubes, customer still would like to buy sales products, in other hand, customer designed system steadily increased, thus, the relative cost keep increase, and costs associated is continue increasing, from accounting found out the company cannot make any good profit as they expected. expensive public warehouse space has been rented, however, Sam is very concerned with increased lead time for custom and standard orders, it going to take long time to delivery, capacity is being pushed, and between both side they have contract. In other side, Phil is also very worried the company is going to ve ry hard to achieve the demand created. Thus , the effect of the new contract with super car , all overall impact this new demand for new systems for the customer. Therefore, the following essay will analyse the production process used by Terror Tubes, and the advantages and disadvantages of new contract for super car and Terror Tube, after will discuss the daily operational decisions required to current operating conditions for the company. Final, the essay will cover the producing financial structure will be discussed. Discussion According to (Gardiner D, 2006) the production process can be defined as the process of converting inputs into outputs. The inputs could be materials, customers, labour, energy, components, ideas, machines or requirements. In other hand, the outputs could be finished products, satisfied customers, or unsatisfied customers, components, subassemblies, developed ideas. The foundation of production process is to find something necessary to add into process that take inputs and transforms them into outputs, if this transformation is performed well so customer will satisfy. The production process is happened various industries ,the inputs include any starting position for a product or service, as an example, a bakery manufacture would have flour,sugar,flavourings,packaging,energy,and people skills, the production process is people mixing ingredients, baking, after cooked packing the bakery, finish all the process distributing to the manufactures, output after all the production process all the flour become buns, bread, muffins, delivered to warehouse or retail stored. This is very simple examples of inputs into outputs process same as service industries. As seen in this case, Terror tubes relocated twice and now the Blocktwon which is currently address is double bigger than old factory in homebush, for the company originally was conceived to supply to motor racing industry specialty exhaust system, after the company focused on custom-built system. Therefore the factory layout group member tube cuters working together, tube bonder in another, a separate sledding section, also the craftspeople will use high tech engineer equipment to provide the flexibility needed for producing custom system. The quality of the finished product reflects the craftsmanship of the individual workers. Both of standard system and custom processing in the same time on same equipment by the sam craftspeople. (Morrroni M, 1992)Furthermore, in Terror Tubes, the quality and demand is very important for this company. Thus, the production process needs to have better support from outside to make this process more successful. Between the Terror Tube with Super Car created new contract, the effective contract involved advantages and disadvantages on Terror Tubes operations, firstly, Terror Tube was originally supply specialty exhaust systems to the motor racing industry, and Super Car is a big distributor and they supplied very high exhaust systems. Therefore, Terror Tubes operation after have the effects of the new contract with Super Car they may need to produce more exhaust systems provided to the Super Car, both of company can have long term trade relationship. The advantage of Terror Tube signed the new contract with Super Car, Terror Tube can make more profit, and make sales increase, and also the productivity will improve as well. Thus, Terror Tubes reputation will grew, more and more demand maybe come from other company. The disadvantage of Terror Tube signed the new contract with Super Car happened in this case is Terror Tube did not achieving the day line, they overtime production ¼Ã…’in addition, Super Car cannot have product to give to the customers, so both side will be not happy with each other including the customer will not satisfied with the supplier. In other hand, Terror Tubes rented very expensive warehouse space, therefore, in this side, the company have to pay lots of money for the rent, they cannot finish the production of the product so they loss profit, cannot make any money, the companys profit margin is very low. Compare both side advantage and disadvantage effects the new contract between Super Car and Terror Tubes ¼Ã…’it is very important for the people working in the company to over read the disadvantages and try to help the company can reach the goals make more advantages. The daily operational decisions required under current operating conditions for the companys operational to run effectively, also Terror Tube leaders need to make lots of decisions to adjust this company. Before make decision the leaders have to very clear what company goals after to achieve goals effectively. First of all, Terror Tubes involved many things to concern such as make daily product decisions. According to (Gardiner D.2006) operations managements are the activities for creating, implementing, and improving process that production process resources, such as raw materials, technologies and labour. And it is to set of decisions across the value chain the support the implementation of higher level business strategies. Therefore, employees should make lots of improvement and try to not waste anything. It is very important for all the employees should know the company roles, and company will be increase the production standard or custom serves (Kim B Oh H, 2005). In addition, before the manufacture start making products. They have to very clearly about all the product, equipment, customer demand, or quantity of the production, be preparing everything to avoid over the due day. (Puig F et al,2009) in this case, Terror Tubes need to operation run effectively, the factory have to prepare all the material, all the equipment is safe also have enough employees come to work for the company. For Terror Tubes this case, they still have engine problems. Rather than with new standard systems no as good we can see, how many product you produce is depends on the markets, somehow, some emergency situations maybe happened the companies have to take seriously concern about. (Fransoo J, 1993) Thus, market price change every day, and more competitors, this is also very important operational decisions for the company in the future. In other hand, we should very careful about market price no matter material or any relate price has increase the price, then Terror Tubes has t o increase the price to maintain make more profit. According to (Seppa R,2007)there more operational decision for the companys operations, for instance, make more advertisements or promotion decision, we can spent little bit money on the advertisements like TV show, magazine, news paper and so on, to promote our product. Furthermore, there is one more operational decision is focusing on different type of group people and trying to sale in different age, gender, different levels, for the company, we have to find very good marker, which is the people sale lots of products. (Seppa R, 2007)One more I think is the most useful one is, find more investor like shareholders or some customer whom interest in this type of investment. Make agreement with them,they may not very good operational decision, but more people more money help the company more successful, the company can reduce and more control the expenses , from another point of view it might lost control, loss profit, or more problem coming up. For instance, in this case, Terror Tubes had really serious problem, they overtime production, most money cannot use, and lots of cost continually increase, so if the Terror Tube found more people join in company, it may reduce the risk of compensation of over time, the company might hire more employees, bring in more equipment to help the factory produce more products. So overtime will not happen in the fureture. And Terror Tube can make more profit, and more demand will keep increase.(Mughal H Osborne R,1995). Last one is effect the move to producing standard systems has had on the companys financial structure. Firstly, the company has not been operating good as we can see, their financial position was very low, they spend lots of money buy a material, and associated expense has increased. Also Terror Tubes rented very expansive warehouse have big space. Therefore, this company financial position not good at all. In this case, as Terror Tubes was supply specialty exhaust systems to the motor racing industry, after they change the line to produce the products to normal cars and had agreement with Super Car, this is advantage for the Terror Tubes, because Super Car is national car industry, might effects on the Terror Tubess financial structure.(Spina G Verganti R,2002).Terror Tubes at beginning keep increase the products on sales, that is attract a lot of customer to buy the products made very good profits. According to (Walters D,2004) in this case, Terror Tubes had start producing differ ent products, so they have to pay the taxes every year. This is not good as they are in bad situations. Therefore, Terror Tube might join other enterprise; it may help the company and increase the financial problems. Conclusion Finally, this essay has been talk about Terror Tubes current production processes, is a manufacture in Australian produce the car exhaust systems to motor racing industry, after the companys reputation grew, more and more demand from customers. Also this essay discussed the advantages and disadvantages on Terror Tubes and Super Car made new contract. It is good when they signed new contract, Super Car have big demand for the products, and help the Terror Tubes make more profit, more promotion. In other hand, many disadvantage happed after this contract, because many demand form customer, manufactory can not finish producing all the products to the customer, which is not good, for instance, Terror Tubes has to produce those products as fast as possible, to keep good relationship between the demand and supplier. Furthermore, the daily operational decisions required under current operations conditions for the companys operations, the decision making by the managers ,production decision should be more quickly, more prepare and price depends on raw material, thus, I gave some of my personal suggestion to this company, find investor whom interest in this kind of business, and make good profit, join in the company help the company to reduce the problem, for example, put more advertisement etc. finally , this article talk about the producing start systems on positive way and negative way, also the companys financial structure. As I mentioned many problems happened in financial position, if Terror Tube might join other enterprise, it may help the company saving the problems, and start makes profit.